Thyroid Function – Diagnosis and Monitoring


This home test checks the function of your thyroid gland. It tests for the level of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) and Free (FT4).

  • Your blood test result will be emailed directly to you from one of our GPs
  • Why not book an appointment, if you wish, with one of our GPs to discuss your results
  • More Information

    This profile checks the function of your thyroid gland. Thyroid disorders are common but often remain undiagnosed. It will give you a good indication as to whether your thyroid is functioning normally or not by checking your levels of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) and Free T4 (FT4).

    These tests are mainly used to see whether or not you have an underactive thyroid gland (Hypothyroidism) or an overactive one (Hyperthyroidism) which can lead to tiredness, mood problems and weight issues.

    Thyroid disorders are common but often remain undiagnosed. If your thyroid isn’t functioning properly it can cause tiredness, mood problems and weight issues


This home test checks the function of your thyroid gland. It tests for the level of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) and Free (FT4).

  • Your blood test result will be emailed directly to you from one of our GPs
  • Why not book an appointment, if you wish, with one of our GPs to discuss your results